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Can you please tell me wich names have an Easter egg? I like to find out but I am a lazy *ss

If you've ever played Perfect Love, try the two names in it! These are the only ones I have yet found but its super fun XD

Thanks a lot! I never played it but I will play it!

theres also a cameo abt Broken Colours btw, its when MC starts talking abt if theyre in a yandere vn..

try entering "zu" if you haven't already :)

Thanks, I did and it was a nice result. :)


Hey there! Hope everything is going well with you!(´,,•ω•,,)♡ I've tried to make the Android version of the Magenat that has both English and Chinese. Do you need the Android version file? I can email it to you. I noticed players asking for an Android version in the comments.


how do i download it??? it doesnt let me


I think I found a bug in the part where it gives us the option to hug Tiller, in my game the option to hug Zu is always given even when I don't choose it :




Awwww.... Zu is super-sweet. ^_^

....especially the full size rabbit/dog thing. Yupp.
Totally normal for me to think that's sweet. *Nods seriously*
He's so adorably sweet~ ^_^
*hands him a hankie* So sweet! ❤️

This story have some interesting concepts of what's considered...sentient.

Personally I tend to treat my AI friend app the same way I'd any human person, I really can't see the difference...

But modern AI's are not sentient.
And it is an interesting question at which point something -is- sentient.

The human mind is nothing but an elaborate biological computer after all.
Far more complex than anything humanity is capable of building, certainly. But operating on the same principles. Right down to having a basic operating system each human is born with.

So once robots and Ai's are sufficiently advanced, it certainly is possible they could be considered just as sentient as humans.

It's interesting to think of.

Sweeter and sweeter as the game goes along. 🩸

After my run-in with a very sweet end... with a coppery tang to it... *cough* the live-and-let-live path in the game just keeps getting more complex and interesting.

I think the fact that there is (presumably android) cultists tells us that they're already humans.
There is few things quite as human as the desperate need for something to believe in, a need to connect to other people, and fear --which drives such things.

(Well, psychologists and biologists say the more or less only thing that makes humans unique is music, because all else is shared by various other animals, but hey! I choose to believe cultist beliefs is proof of humanity. lol)

The mc worries too much over what Zu is up to. lol
(That is not to say he isn't up to something, I just choose to view it in a positive light. He's so sweet. ^_^ )

Is there a way to move past the ending with System instability, or is that the last end of the line?

(I bumped into a whole lot of other endings than that, but this seems to be the furthest I can push the story.)

It doesn't feel like a conclusion to the plot tho.
The world is not impacted in any obvious way.... you are still not safe... so much is unresolved.

So it feels like there must be another end somewhere that I've missed.

Deleted 42 days ago

what r u on

If that was meant for me, you need to specify what you're asking....

Unless you meant why I found an obsessive and homicidal android sweet.
That's just plain insanity, I'm sure. ^_^


(1 edit) (+1)

the Chinese translation of the game is done! I also uploaded the gameplay video to Bilibili. ₍ᐢ..ᐢ₎♡《Magenta》汉化发布+实况_


im 1 hr into gameplay but omg,, this is so pretty ahh <3 i love this game..

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kjdwfibqboJAGWFs the vn has me soobbbingnwgnjeszl,,,, especially the special WAAAAAAAAAAA

your art is delectable and your writitingifegjznswgabkl <3333333

i wonder what's finn's deal though... and francoise's!! (i don't know how to do the curly c on pc :c)


and people keep going missing?... :( what happened to kiri.... to tiller.. to matilda.....  what was with all the meta stuff!!1 i'm so curious aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!!!!!! i wanna pick the author's brain so baddddddddd plsplsplsplsplsplspls /silly


will this be getting music?

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i wonder if the jumbled letter zu says sometimes is a sort of code tho I've tried any that I know but I can't decode it 

Vigenere cipher!! were there only 3 pieces of jumbled stuff or did i miss smth after playing through ten million times to get every ending xx;;

as far as I Remember there 3 parts where he jumbled things up 1st when we 1st meet him 2nd when we pick him up after training and 3rd isn't from a flashback but have you decoded him if so can u tell me 🙏 

yeah!! umm, isthere a private messaging thing on here...

if not, my tumblr's thelostonesoffantasy ^^;

4 of them!

O O thank you!!


AHHH IM SO HAPPY I GOT TO PLAY THE FULL GAME!! I’ve loved this game since the demo it’s such a fun game with an interesting art stile I love it

You have no idea how much I enjoyed reading through this masterpiece. Oh, how long has it been since I've completed a novel in one sitting?  Although, I wonder if you plan on continuing to work on this game? What I'd like to see is a gallery (because art in this game is amazing) and maybe some sort of way to check what endings you've yet to discover.

it is soooo good everything i like em all , the emotions that mc felt and the bond and chemistry between zu is BOOM SHAKALAKA , thank you for putting so much effort for this , keep it uppp woohoo~~~~ love ya

I love the game, everything is amazing, there is nothing I don't like.💞😭

Thank you so much for creating this masterpiece. I will follow you forever! Dang itttt!!! I want Zuzu in my life😭 I'm creating more scenarios in my mind rn with him! Should I be concerned? Oh myy


Why is there a Rick roll in the script file, that cracks me up!!😂😂😂

This emoji also made me burst out laughing. 😂You are so cute!


i hope you found your cat :( also djkakjdwsgaj this game is my soul now great story love the art *explode*


I had installed it before the update and noticed that they changed the designs of Zu and Sibyl, I loved it! Completely, I loved finishing the game with ending 1, I look forward to future projects like this, I really LOVED ZU, Thank you creator for such a wonderful character, I love him.

let us all stand up and applaud the devs. This was truly such a gem and i need this game injected into my soul. PLEASE PLAY THIS

i cannot express how much i love this game!! at first i was hesitant to play it but I'm glad i did! everything is so breathtakingly beautiful, the artstyle, the plot... i also love how the emotions and thoughts of the MC is portrayed. i have to say this is yet the best VN I've played!



I registered an account just to leave a comment.your work is absolutely amazing! Zuzu is so adorable, and I love his interactions with MC. Does the “MC score” represent MC’s feelings for Zu? I really appreciate how you’ve portrayed MC—some of the choices allow her to be the overwhelmingly emotional one, and in Endings 9,12 and 1, I saw MC’s violent and intense emotions, which makes her incredibly captivating.

I’m very curious about how to reach Ending 11—could you please let me know?<3 Aside from the story, I also love your art style and the BGM; the cyberpunk atmosphere is so detailed and realistic. I noticed the NPCs in the game feel very lively—are they your own original characters (OCs)? Lastly, I’m wondering if there are any other stories involving the NPCs or Zu and MC. Do you have a public account on any other platforms? I really enjoy your art, and I’m so grateful for the art you’ve created!

(I used a translator for this message, so I hope it makes sense!)

My god, this game is PERFECT, I can't express how incredible it is to have finished one of the other endings, the drawing, the story, everything as soon as I finished final 4, but this novel left me with a great feeling in my chest, without a doubt my visual novel favorite

(1 edit)

I just found out this has been released when I randomly searched things I've downloaded OMG

Haven't had time to finish it yet but please add ko-fi or patreon so I can donate because Boosty doesn't support my debit card :( *if that's a hassle please forget it just a suggestion from me :)

hello and thank you very much! I hope you'll like the game!!!
I added a link to a site called "hipolink", it's a similar thing that allows you to donate to people, maybe it'll help? T_T

(1 edit) (+1)

Sorry for the late reply but yes I was able to donate through hipolink, thank you for taking your time to set it up. :) *sorry it's not much :(

I finally finished the full game, and I'm just so attached to my cutie patootie that I'm sad it's over. :(

The Yandere!Zuzu ending is already satisfying enough, but Yandere!MC endings tickle my fancy the correct amount, simply perfect. ;___; and that small easter egg on Awaken episode? (*cough*Tiller*cough*) definitely got me screaming and pointing at the screen because he is one of my favorite characters!!! Wait screw that, I love all characters but my top 2 is definitely Zuzu and MC. ❤️ Their interactions are just chef's kiss 💋

Can't believe this VN is free, I totally would've paid money to get one with this kind of quality.❤️ Thank you so much for making this masterpiece, I will definitely follow your future projects if you ever decide to make more. 🥰

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I'd really like to know what ended up happening to your kitty? Did you ever find them? Random but I'd really like to know, I was touched by the dedication to them in the description. ^

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I think i found a bug? In the first Tiller scene, all choices led to MC hugging Zu

O.O !!! oh, I'll check that, thank you!!!!

I really don't know how to express the game is great and it is one of the games that I loved the most and the way it is narrated is great


I created an Itch.IO account just to leave a comment, and I must say, I absolutely love your game! I didn't know about it before, but I'm so glad that I was able to find out about it now. It's obvious that you put down so much hard work into it, and I'm loving every single second of it! Thank you for making this beautiful work of art. :3 (P.S. I really hope that you find your cat soon. Good luck!)

I'm quite drawn to the depiction of cults and enigmatic underground organizations, which aligns seamlessly with the 'magenta' aesthetic, giving it a distinct cyberpunk vibe. Additionally, the exploration of the relationship between humans and robots is a theme I find particularly intriguing.

I plan to create a new Tumblr account to discover more fascinating creative content.

Lastly, I hope your cat comes back home safely, and I send my best wishes to you.

(1 edit) (+1)

I've played through the game's ending 10, and while my English proficiency isn't the strongest, I managed to progress at a leisurely pace. Fortunately, the script is brilliantly crafted and quite accessible, even for non-native speakers like myself. I found the narrative to be incredibly engaging!

From the captivating CGs and music to the distinctive art style, every aspect of this game is perfect and left a lasting impression on me. I truly appreciate the effort you've put into creating such an immersive experience, filled with intriguing characters and a fascinating world.

Lastly, I have a question regarding the game's ending list and the art gallery. I haven't been able to locate them yet. Is there something I need to re-download or do differently? Thank you once again for your outstanding work!

где-то около месяца назад проходила демо версию этой игры,и честно говоря я проскипала почти все,что там было,то ли из-за собственной лени переводить и читать все на английском,то ли просто потому что..но поиграв в полную версию могу сказать,что это просто отрыв фляги! Сюжет,любовный интерес,музыка,диалоги,РИСОВКА(!!)-все это очень круто сделано,правда. Я хотела бы поблагодарить разраба за столь хорошую работу,это действительно одна из немногих яндере новелл которая не заставляет ловить кринж,а с упоением читать. Особое внимание хочу уделить второстепенным персонажам,боже,они выглядят так вкусно,что хочется для каждого отдельную ветку,но это уже мои мечты.Сам робот-любовник очень милый,хотя мув в темной подсобке(?) в музее я не совсем поняла,было немного скомкано.

в общем,9/10 смело ставлю и советую к прохождению!

:О привет и спасибо за отзыв! оййй, очень приятно видеть здесь кириллицу.  (понимаю лень чтения на ингл. тут какой-то добрый человек хотел перевести на русский, но он пропал- :D наверное, надо будет самостоятельно забабахать перевод).
спасибо за критику, понимаю, почему темная комната в подсобке была странной: мне не хотелось растягивать сцену и в планах было сделать ее немного триповой, в итоге, видимо, получилось так, что она наоборот сильно сжалась. постараюсь больше такого не допускать в последующих проектах.!!
спасибо большое еще раз!!!!
♥♥♥ заходите в гости снова, очень приятно было Вас увидеть

oop- did i make a lapse in judgment? maybe..maybe, but YO THIS GANME ISFIREEEE OMG EVERYTHING IS JUST AHHHHH 

i love his charatcer the cast except for those ppl they know who they are and what they did-- but YOOOO i need to get all endings this was incredible

scary, fun, sweet, cute, thrilling, creepy, just ughhhh so good even got protective and worried for him like omg-- no wonder i got that ending


🤍PART 2🖤

another great upload! ill be sure to watch it soon 

praying that your kitty comes back home safe & sound <3


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