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(1 edit) (+2)

I'd really like to know what ended up happening to your kitty? Did you ever find them? Random but I'd really like to know, I was touched by the dedication to them in the description. ^

(1 edit)

I think i found a bug? In the first Tiller scene, all choices led to MC hugging Zu

O.O !!! oh, I'll check that, thank you!!!!

I really don't know how to express the game is great and it is one of the games that I loved the most and the way it is narrated is great


I created an Itch.IO account just to leave a comment, and I must say, I absolutely love your game! I didn't know about it before, but I'm so glad that I was able to find out about it now. It's obvious that you put down so much hard work into it, and I'm loving every single second of it! Thank you for making this beautiful work of art. :3 (P.S. I really hope that you find your cat soon. Good luck!)

I'm quite drawn to the depiction of cults and enigmatic underground organizations, which aligns seamlessly with the 'magenta' aesthetic, giving it a distinct cyberpunk vibe. Additionally, the exploration of the relationship between humans and robots is a theme I find particularly intriguing.

I plan to create a new Tumblr account to discover more fascinating creative content.

Lastly, I hope your cat comes back home safely, and I send my best wishes to you.

(1 edit) (+1)

I've played through the game's ending 10, and while my English proficiency isn't the strongest, I managed to progress at a leisurely pace. Fortunately, the script is brilliantly crafted and quite accessible, even for non-native speakers like myself. I found the narrative to be incredibly engaging!

From the captivating CGs and music to the distinctive art style, every aspect of this game is perfect and left a lasting impression on me. I truly appreciate the effort you've put into creating such an immersive experience, filled with intriguing characters and a fascinating world.

Lastly, I have a question regarding the game's ending list and the art gallery. I haven't been able to locate them yet. Is there something I need to re-download or do differently? Thank you once again for your outstanding work!

где-то около месяца назад проходила демо версию этой игры,и честно говоря я проскипала почти все,что там было,то ли из-за собственной лени переводить и читать все на английском,то ли просто потому что..но поиграв в полную версию могу сказать,что это просто отрыв фляги! Сюжет,любовный интерес,музыка,диалоги,РИСОВКА(!!)-все это очень круто сделано,правда. Я хотела бы поблагодарить разраба за столь хорошую работу,это действительно одна из немногих яндере новелл которая не заставляет ловить кринж,а с упоением читать. Особое внимание хочу уделить второстепенным персонажам,боже,они выглядят так вкусно,что хочется для каждого отдельную ветку,но это уже мои мечты.Сам робот-любовник очень милый,хотя мув в темной подсобке(?) в музее я не совсем поняла,было немного скомкано.

в общем,9/10 смело ставлю и советую к прохождению!

:О привет и спасибо за отзыв! оййй, очень приятно видеть здесь кириллицу.  (понимаю лень чтения на ингл. тут какой-то добрый человек хотел перевести на русский, но он пропал- :D наверное, надо будет самостоятельно забабахать перевод).
спасибо за критику, понимаю, почему темная комната в подсобке была странной: мне не хотелось растягивать сцену и в планах было сделать ее немного триповой, в итоге, видимо, получилось так, что она наоборот сильно сжалась. постараюсь больше такого не допускать в последующих проектах.!!
спасибо большое еще раз!!!!
♥♥♥ заходите в гости снова, очень приятно было Вас увидеть

oop- did i make a lapse in judgment? maybe..maybe, but YO THIS GANME ISFIREEEE OMG EVERYTHING IS JUST AHHHHH 

i love his charatcer the cast except for those ppl they know who they are and what they did-- but YOOOO i need to get all endings this was incredible

scary, fun, sweet, cute, thrilling, creepy, just ughhhh so good even got protective and worried for him like omg-- no wonder i got that ending


🤍PART 2🖤

another great upload! ill be sure to watch it soon 

praying that your kitty comes back home safe & sound <3





I Am So Very Sorry About Your Cat.


waaah, i have been keeping up with your tumblr but i didnt expect the full version to come out so soon. waiting was so worth it, the demo was already in my top fav vns but now this game has made its way into my heart. from the artstyle to the writing i enjoyed it all so much, especially the characters and how fleshed out they ended up being!! ( i  really like francoise~~ such an interesting character!!!!!! and zuzu ofc) and the breaking the 4th wall moments AAAAAAAA, its a bit nerve-wracking in the best way possible (a certain moment genuinely ended up spooking me from how unexpected it was LOL)
thank you for giving us this amazing work, I hope magenta and you finier get the recognition they deserve. i pray for your cat and wish you success. thanks again for making my week and for your hard work!! <3

Omg this is the most perfect VN i've EVERRRR seen, and JS looking at the art is satisfying <333 im so happy it's out now, fantastic job!!!!!! xoxo

(1 edit) (+2)






OMG YOU GOT THE SYBIL-YANDERE ROUTE ^_^ i didn't see much people getting this

OHH MY IS IT BECAUSE I WAS CHOOSINF TO BE NICE TO HER?? man i just felt bad because we were always mean to her( ;´ - `;)ANYWAYS I LOVE UR GAMEESSGHFJHAF


Hello, I just wanted to say that I LOVED this game, it was absolutely worth every moment of waiting. The character designs, soundtrack, CGs, among others are perfect. However, do you have any tips for getting endings 3 and 11? They are the ones I need to complete the game 100%.Thank you for the hard work!


Hi! I just wanna say that this game was perfect, thank you for your hard work! <3

(5 edits) (+1)

Okay I just played the game and can someone give me a list of every endings? Like i only got what? 3 or 4 endings? And no matter how much I play I can't get any other option or any other endings.


I think I got the proud creator?, instability, it was just a dream, the ending where we ran away and another one where there was a smile on zu drawn in blood. Is there anymore or am I just bad at playing games?


I updated the walkthrough/guide, you can see the list of endings in the end of the page

OMOOO thank youuuuu, btw love the full game. THE CGs ARE TO DIE FORRRR hehehhe. And love all the lore and new characters too. Can't say thank you enough for creating such a lovely game.


I remember when I first played the demo and how much I loved it! This truly is one of my favorite vns at the time!! I love how the world is built and how the ambiance i reallyy unique I also reaaalllyyyy like Zu!!! I love how he speaks and how he starts revealing his thoughts and posessiveness, I really enjoyed the music, ambiance, the writing!!! and especially the art! I think everything comes together to make a wnderful game ^o^ super mega worth the wait!!

ALSO I actually squealed when the fish man Loran appeared!! I can't believe you actually included my self indulgent suggestion from a couple months back!!! It made me so happyyyy!! anyways that's the end of my rant hehe.


I profusely recommend playing this game. From the art, the music, to the story and the characters, this has been an amazing work altogether. The lore that goes into this story is amazing, apart from the "romance" part of the game the player can fully appreciate the branching and complexity of the world and the characters around it. Every character is dynamic and well-rounded no matter if they are a secondary or tertiary character, which is just lovely! I cannot stop myself from gushing about the art and music that goes into this project, and I can tell that it was made with passion and care.

Congratulations on a wonderful and refreshing first game! I hope to see more of your future works and thank you for creating this amazing project!!!

(1 edit) (+1)

This game is just so beautiful in every single way and i love it so much, thank you for all of the work you've put into it, it's a truly amazing creation!!




also hope you will find your cat, im sorry this happened, never lose hope!! <3

Oh I've been waiting for the full game :D Thank you so much!


OMG THE FULL GAME!!! THANK YOU CREATORRRRR. CAN'T WAIT TO PLAY THIS. Btw saw what you wrote, I also hope that you'll reunite with your cat again.I have cats too and I know that feeling when your pet goes missing. 

(1 edit)

and here i am again to say that I ADORE MAGENTA ♡c(˘_˘c)

the full game has finally been released and i love everything about it. firstly i wanted to say is that the lore of the game is super interesting!! i love the atmosphere, it's so captivating and immersive..... and the fashion!!! absolutely all the characters have gorgeous designs (OKOVI IS BEAUTIFUL can i steal her outfit please.)

secondly - zu is (still) the best boy and i LOVE how their relationship with mc evolves throughout the game. the overall development of the characters and their stories is incredible!! there is so much going on in the game, and i love how everything is somehow connected here. i think your work on the story needs to be appreciated because it's just AMAZING!!!

and the easter eggs. can i just say how cool the idea with vigenere cipher is?? and all these little things like that one android from the dolls blinking 'SOS' in morse code and other stuff RAAAAH i just love it so much!!!!!!

....and so on. (ง ื▿ ื)ว this text is already getting awkwardly long, so i think i should stop here and just say thanks once again.

thank you for all the effort and love you have put in this game ♡(>ᴗ•)

sorry for my english i know it's terrible


WOW ! that was really a present!i dont even dreamed about it that early!! i spend my weekend with pleasure hehe! AND THE FULL GAME MET ALL EXPECTAtIONS AND EVEN MUCH MORE YAY! i dont regret that i have been waiting for this masterpiese for so long!! THIS IS THE ONLY GAME IN WHICH I LOVE ALL THE CHARECTERS(i love finn sm help i want him more :p)! i just kiss ur hands thats really just wow! thank u sm for that :3 ilu


Does anyone know how many endings there are?


6 main endings; ~6 small endings (I have a feeling that I forgot to delete one of the endings from the code)

(1 edit) (+2)

Hmm... I'm stuck,I think! SPOILERS AHEAD!!

I'm not sure what to pick when it comes to the interrogation with Riker.I only seem to get the bad endings? (2 and 4) A tip would be appreciated, hehe!


pick one side and stuck to it ^_^ left left left, or right right right, no matter if you're diplomatic or rough

(1 edit) (+4)

to achieve good club ending, you must have at least 8 "Zu-points". I think I'm going to make a walkthrough soon


i posted the guide


Thanks! :3





Because I really, really like your game, I signed up for an account in order to leave a review! The art style is very eye-catching and the script is very intriguing, especially looking forward to the full version, I've got my wallet ready! Thank you very much!

thank you so much! the full game is here, you can play it!

I see so many people creating their account to leave a comment for my game, it's so heartwarming! <3


GOOD JOB CREATOR>:DD I will happily consume this new content.. why didn't i know about this earlier. 


i just played the special. OH MY AGYSUGBH DJKN NAK MC IT WAS SO CUTE and i(MC) look cool asf>:)

THANK YOU SO MUCHHHH!!! <3 yessss the MC is amazing :DDD


Viktor? Is that you? ;D


which one? :D thank you for your comment :DDD

From Arcane! The end of S2 version of him, ofc 😅 

(2 edits) (+1)

OMG A SOMETHING NEW? THANK YOU SOOO MUCH <3 <3 <3 Can't wait to play it.

Edit: I finally got around to playing it. OMGGGG Zu's POV is so cuteeee and our character is also so cuteee. I like that we're a pink blob xd BUT ITS SO SHORTT AAAAAA, Its fine tho im not complaining.I'm grateful for every update or anything new that the creator would give for this game hehehe. THANK YOU AGAIN CREATOR!!! Can't wait for the full game! <3<3<3 Goodluck in finishing the game ;)

HEHEHE yesss we're a pink blob and that's a thing to be proud of :D thank you so much for your comment! the full game is out, you can check it! <3 <3 <3 <3 <3


waaah it was soo cutee!!!¬

even the mc look hehe¬ like coton candy<3

and my boi! zu<33 sooo adorble like a lost little cat 


awaken turn its just a MMMMUAH!! chef kiss¬



tiller is my goat


so true. thank you for your comment :D <3


Love the game and watched so many playthroughs of it but wanted to ask if you ever plan to make it playable on Android as well. Keep up the good work ✊️


I'll try to do something about making it playable on Android, just a bit later! thank you so much for your comment! <333


omg so excited for this but i have a smalllll question, in the future will you add more pronouns?

(1 edit)

hello! unfortunately, due to some circumstances, I wasn't able to do that. thank you for your comment! hope you'll still like the full game <3


I absolutely LOVED the Magenta demo! Zu and all the other characters are so well written and loveable! I’ve been thinking about them ever since I played it. Every detail from the story to the art and atmosphere was so captivating and it left such a strong impression on me. I played the demo a little while ago and ever since I’ve been going back and forth about whether or not to leave a comment. I eventually decided to, mainly because I want to ask something plus I genuinely loved this experience. I really want to express my gratitude for all the effort that clearly went into it.

GETTING TO THE POINT!! Will the full game be free, or will it have a cost? I tried to check through the comments to see if anyone else had already asked this but I didn’t see anything about it, unless I missed it which it definitely my fault. I know it might seem like an unnecessary thing to ask, but i'm itching to know!

PS : I just want to take a moment to express how truly grateful I am for this game and the experience it provided. It’s clear that so much love, effort, and creativity went into every aspect of it. the characters, the story, the art, they were all so breathtaking. Playing the demo felt like stepping into another world, one that stayed with me long after I finished it. It’s rare to find something that resonates so deeply and this game managed to do just that even if it was just a demo! I love it so so much, I don't say this enough. fun fact : it's my favourite game of all time!!

Thank you for creating something so special and for sharing it with all of us. take care and stay safe everyone!!


the game will be free. I mean, it's already free, the full game is out- I forgot about it while writing the comment lol :D



EE IM SOOOOO HAPPY I CANT BELIEVE ITS OUT!!! I’m so relieved to hear that the full game is free! I’m definitely going to dive into it as soon as I can!!

I’m sure I’ll absolutely LOVE the full game. You’ve created something so truly special, and it means so much!! Thank YOU for making something so amazing!! I can’t wait to experience everything you’ve worked so hard on it’s going to be incredible, I just know it!


thank you so much T_T you literally lift my mood so much


you're so kind T_T

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